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TKarkloof Nature Reserve is located in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, approximately 30km north of Howick, straddling the Mpofana and uMngeni local municipalities, within the uMgungundlovu district. The nature reserve is 3,274.7 ha, which combines land parcels that are owned, assigned to, or leased by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, or by private individuals incorporated through the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife biodiversity stewardship programme.

The Karkloof Nature Reserve is a key component of the protected area system of KwaZulu-Natal, primarily for its role in securing indigenous Eastern Mistbelt Forest and its surrounding grassland-wetland continuum. It lies within the upper catchments of the uMgeni and uThukela Rivers which are of crucial strategic importance in supplying water to the large cities in the region.

The management plan was developed by Wild Trust in collaboration with key stakeholders.